
Top 10 List of Week 02

  1. Firefox Monitor
    Have you been part of an online data breach? You can use this tool to check it. Firefox monitor is made by mozilla and I personally like because it goes in sync with my firefox account and it can notify me if a breach has happened and my account is part of it.

  2. Learn C in Y minutes
    Don’t have that much time but want to learn C ? This site might help you. I like this website because it helps me get the basic of C programming languange right to the point of the syntax and short description. This site also provides some sources for further understanding about the C programming languanges.

  3. An Introduction to Linux ACLs
    The Linux filesystem gives three types of permissions (user, group, and owner). If you ever curious about getting permission error when trying to run some binaries, this website might help. I use this website to get the basics of file permission and helps me understand linux better.

  4. Hashing vs Encryption
    Curious about the term Hashing and Encryption? This website explains the difference between them. This website helps me notice the difference between those two and understand those two terms better.

  5. Live Overflow’s Youtube Channel
    A Youtube channel about CTFs and hacking in general. A lot of his videos is educative and useful. I like to watch his videos to learn more about doing CTFs. Some of it’s contents are pretty hard to understand, but this YouTube channel also has a playlist for getting started with CTFs. This channel is created by Fabian Faessler.

  6. PGP and How It Works
    Pretty Good Privacy(PGP) is an encryption system that has been around for a long time. This website explains the pros and cons of PGP, a little bit about it’s background and also shows how to set it up. This website can give you a pretty solid information about the basics of PGP.

    Shodan is a search engine for internet-connected devices (IoT Devices). Using shodan, you can search information about many IoT devices that are connected to the internet. For example, you can monitor unsecured webcam devices on the internet! The search syntax is a bit hard as it is mainly targeted for engineers / developers. This website can pique your interest if you like to search around for vulnerable IoT devices.

  8. HackTheBox
    A hacking playground that you can use to . It’s also interesting that to register to this websitte, you have to get some secret code that lies on the website. HackTheBox provides a machine that you can break into and your purpose is to get admin privilleges. I have only tries one machine and I wasn’t successful. But, this website can be a great educational playground to learn more about security.

  9. GrapheneOS With the current prying eyes of google on android devices, GrapheneOS presented itself as a privacy and security focused mobile OS. This is interesting as this provides an alternative way of using your android without depending on a ton google app. Every app on the GrapheneOS is open source and you can also check GrapheneOS source code.

  10. Web Tracking Using Favicon
    Advertising agencies can track you by using what’s called browser fingerprinting. There many ways to get around it like clearing cache, using incognito mode, etc. Recently, there are a paper about using favicon to track user. This video explains the basic idea about it and you can gain information about browser tracking!

That’s all from me for this week topic. See you on the next one. 👋