
Top 10 List of Week 07

  1. Mutex vs Semaphores
    Mutexes? Semaphores? What are they? What are the differences? This website explains about them and the interesting part is they also debunk some myth about mutexes and semaphores.

  2. What is a deadlock?
    A deadlock occurs when the waiting process is still holding on to another resource that the first needs before it can finish. But turns out there’s other thing called lock and if you’re curious, check this stackoverflow post out!

  3. Dining Philisopher Problem (With Solution)
    This 8 minutes YouTube video explains about The Dining Philosopher problems, which is a probelm related with multi-threading. This video explains this problem with a beautiful illustration that makes it easier to understand.

  4. Inter-process communication in Linux
    IPC (Inter-Process Communication) is the mechanisms an operating system provides to allow the processes to manage shared data. This article explains asbout IPC and divided into the mechanism and explains each one in detail.

  5. Critical Section Problem
    The critical section is a code segment where the shared variables can be accessed. This in an important concept related to multi-threading and concurrency. If you want to learn more, read this website that explains it rigorously with a diagram for better understanding.

  6. Banker’s Algorithm - Deadlock Avoidance
    Banker’s algorithm is an algorithm that is used to avoid deadlock. This algorithm is used to test for safely simulating the allocation for determining the maximum amount available for all resources. This article explains the advantage, disadvantage, and also a example code to help understanding Banker’s algorithm.

  7. Synchronizing Multiple Threads In Java
    Do you want to write a multi-threaded applications? You can check out this article for getting started with that. This erticle uses the Java Programming Language and create a multi-threaded java program. This article explains provides many code examples.

  8. Readers-Writers Problem
    The readers-writers problem relates to an object such as a file that is shared between multiple processes. This problem can be solved using sempahores. if you are curious about the solution implementation and more about the problem, you can click on the given link.

  9. Sleeping Barber Problem
    Another problem in this list. This is problem is called sleeping barber problem, which is an inter-process communication and synchronization problem. You can check this article which gives an interesting explanation about the problem. This article also gives you the solution!

  10. Livelock: What is, Example, Difference with Deadlock
    Livelock is a situation where a request for an exclusive lock is denied repeatedly, as many overlapping shared locks keep on interfering each other. You might notice that this word is close to deadlock, and indeed they are related. Curious about the difference? Check out this article that also gives a lot of examples.

That’s all from me for this week topic. See you on the next one 👋