
Top 10 List of Week 08

  1. (Almost) Everything about CPU Scheduling Scheduling, what is that? Scheduling is deciding how the processor power and time is used for different purposes. There are a lot of schedulers (long-term, medium-term, and short-term). There are also a lot of many algorithms. This website provide a ton more information about scheduling starting from the basic concept to more advandec concept with rigorous explanation.

  2. Linux Process Scheduling
    The scheduler (or process scheduler) is the component of the kernel that selects which process to run next. This article provide more in-depth explanation about process scheduling on linux that you can use to learn more about process scheduling on linux.

  3. Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
    Round-robin algorithm is one of many algorithm used for CPU Scheduling. On round-robin algorithm each process is assigned a fixed time slot in a cyclic way. There are advantages and disadvantages for this algorithm that you can check on this website. This website also implement the algorithm with a sample code (on many languanges) that can help you to better understand about this algorithm.

  4. Preemptive vs Non-Preemptive Scheduling
    This article explains about preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling. Both implementation has their own ups and downs. With illustraion, this website is great for learning more about the differences between them. There is also this YouTube video for other source.

  5. CPU vs I/O Bound
    A stack overflow post regarding CPU vs I/O, the top comment explains the difference between that can help you understand the difference between them. This post also gives you a simple example for even better understanding.

  6. Dispatch Latency
    This article created by Oracle lays many information about Dispatch Latency, the basic understanding and definition, also a few diagram here and there to better grasp the concept.

  7. What is CPU Burst
    This is a YouTube video about CPU (and I/O) burst made by Neso Academy, Neso Academy explains those concepts with many illustration that made it easy for you to understand more about CPU and IO Burst cycles.

  8. About FCFS Scheduling
    First Come First Serve (FCFS) is an operating system scheduling algorithm that automatically executes queued requests and processes in order of their arrival. This algorithm is another CPU algorithm other than round-robin that mentioned above. This article explains in great detail about the characteristics and also examples about this scheduling algorithm.

  9. Difference between scheduler and dispatcher
    Scheduler and Dispatcher are associated with process scheduling of an operating system. The key difference between scheduler and dispatcher is that the scheduler selects a process out of several processes to be executed while the dispatcher allocates the CPU for the selected process by the scheduler. That is the general ide of the differences between them, to learn more, you can click on the link and head straight to the basket

  10. Difference between Asymmetric and Symmetric Multiprocessing
    Asymmetric Multiprocessing system is a multiprocessor computer system where not all of the multiple interconnected central processing units (CPUs) are treated equally, while Symmetric Multiprocessing is a type of multiprocessing where each processor is self-scheduling. This article the differences between them and also an illustration to bettter understand about them.

That’s all from me for this week topic. See you on the next one 👋